4 programs to serve your needs
These four exciting programs represent the most popular events we offer.
Soul Drums also provides;
* Consultation * Professional Leadership and Facilitation * Drum and percussion instruments for all participants
* Load in and removal * Guaranteed Results Since 1993
Soul Drums positively affects the bottom line as well as improves the overall health and team effectiveness of employee to management relationships.
“Doug facilitated a very, very powerful and dynamic session which helped our participants to enhance their understanding of leadership and the human connections upon which leadership is created.
““This Soul Drums Program is remarkable! Doug Sole is an inspiring leader, engaging facilitator, and an amazing drummer. We loved his leadership coaching, passionate insights and he is a lot of fun!”
Some of our Corporate Clients
Gold Program
"The Best Icebreaker Ever!"
This Icebreaker program ( 15-20 mins) is perfectly designed for events that require maximum results in a short period of time. The experience has immediate impact. It is exciting and facilitated in an entertaining style that is comedic, yet gives quick and creative results. Always uniquely designed, the gold program is a fun and stimulating environment.
Under our teams guidance, audience members will experience various themes, such as flash mob drumming, world class ensemble performances, or even perform with our troup on percussion instruments creating "in the moment" songs. You will be amazed how your team will come to life, combining rhythmic and melodic instruments to create a “community” experience.
Come join us; actualize your team’s passion. Help them experience the excitement and satisfaction of deep, ongoing team spirit. This has been the success and proven domain of Soul Drums Ltd, for over 20 years.
Platinum Program
"This is Unity Through Diversity!”
We are often asked to create events that are entertaining, fun and creative, while sending a powerful message that illuminates the passion in what one does everyday. We have designed three presentation options that take particpants on a musical journey of unity. We infuse harmony, song and rhythms to demonstrates the art of effective listening. The important part is to be able to infuse this energy back into our day to day activities. These three short, but powerful programs demonstrate the power of listening. Listening is the number one return on investment, and the cornerstone of effectiveness. All team members perform as an orchestra, supporting the process of creativity. This one hour experience inspires group synergy, and a “harmonized” team effort. Any audience size is welcomed , as we use percussion instruments to bring melody, rhythm and song into a symphony of success! Through our targeted questionnaire, we focus this process to ensure it relates directly to your corporate vision. The platinum program promises to be entertaining, while re-enforcing corporate direction. It is a teambuilding experience designed to inspire commitment and passion. Come maximize your team’s potential under the masterful facilitation skills of Soul Drums Ltd.
Platinum Plus Program
"The Rhythm of Transformation"
Over the last 20 years the facilitators at Soul Drums have focused on presenting interactive hi-impact drumming events that inspire creativity, and healthy harmonized team behaviour. Experiencing the joy of understanding the rhythm of transformation helps build positive relationships with yourself and others. Centering on the strengths of the team, we join together in a leadership based event, and formulate an unforgettable magical musical experience. That is the essence of our commitment to you.
To customize this program, we use your thoughtful responses to our questionnaire. This information is compiled to assess “key core values” that will be addressed during the event. We take nouns and transform them into verbs or into rhythmical inter-actions that will empower your team to have a sustained relationship with your corporate vision. As the event unfolds, the drum circle will progress from seeming cacophony to a satisfying musical experience. Using Human Rhythmic Energy ™, we learn our core values are related and come to understand that the whole group cannot become effectively cohesive without each individual’s diverse contribution. In the final analysis, we realize that the journey is not about the quality of the drumming, it’s the journey, the teams vision, the teams mutual dependence - in the business world as in the musical ensemble, each member brings a valued contribution to the whole. Come maximize your team’s potential under the direction of masterful teachers, facilitators and performers!
Diamond Program
"Drum together - Stay Together!"
Doug facilitating two teams in two countries simultaneously over the internet!
The Diamond program is the most engaging event that we offer. It combines all the benefits and activities of the gold, platinum and platinum plus programs with one additional special bonus. The event includes a remarkably entertaining program that includes themes designed to demonstrate effective teamwork, listening skills, collaboration challenges, leadership principals and effective mentoring.
For the finale of the event, your team is divided into smaller groups - "a family " where a team leader will become the mediator or facilitator for the groups performance. It will be a light hearted approach to a serious topic. Each group is challenged to quickly navigate through a maze of requirements in order to create an effective rhythmical performance. Using the metaphors learned during previous sessions with the Soul Drums team, we coach the leaders, they then meet with their group to collectively apply these skills and establish a short “finale show”.
We then select the most promising groups who have demonstrated most effectively the principal goals of the program. You may, if you wish, present affordable percussive gift “prizes”. The Diamond program promises a positive entertaining experience. A program that demands each team member be more than just a spectator at an event, helping establish that it’s not what you say you’ll do, but what you do that counts. Values-centered leadership, teamwork, collaboration, mentoring skills… and the diamond bonus…the promise of a touch of self pride!